British Summer time is here, the weather is getting warmer and the first day of spring was on 20th March. The lighter evenings make us want to do something more with our leisure time. Spring in the natural world is all about new beginnings as plants that have lain dormant in winter start growing. It is the time to embrace change and look forward. Spring cleaning isn’t just about reorganising your kitchen units and changing the season’s clothes in your wardrobe. With the start of a new tax year and the launch of the Croydon Business Excellence Awards, it is a good time to think about your business objectively. Think about what has changed, both internally and externally, over the past year and the impact that this has had. Think about decisions that you have made and their outcomes – could results have been better if you had seized an opportunity that didn’t seem right at the time? What do you do well and what could be better? What cobwebs need sweeping away – processes that could be automated or updated? Remember the saying “April showers bring May flowers”, meaning that setbacks can be turned into opportunities.
Taking time to think objectively about your business can be beneficial. You never know – you could win a prestigious award!
Don’t forget that Making Tax Digital for VAT starts from April 2019. All businesses over the VAT threshold must keep digital records from April and all businesses charging VAT must do so from October 2019